How We Donate
Our mission is to reduce chronic homelessness and empower individuals living on the outskirts of their larger communities.
That's why we donate 20% of our gross profit to aligned nonprofits.
Gross profit is the difference between how much we sell a product for and how much it costs us to sell that product. It does not include other company-wide expenses, such as advertising, R&D, and other administrative expenses. That means donations are prioritized and more gets passed on!
Here's the math:
Gross Profit = (How Much It Costs You) - (How Much It Costs Us)
20% of this gets directly passed on!
We chose this method because it allows us to prioritized donations while staying flexible. When companies donate a percentage of their net profit or "bottom line," any and all expenditures detract from their donations. We donate first and are then free to invest in our growth without worrying about reducing our impact. It's a bit harder to do things this way but we think its important to keep our purpose front-of mind!